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Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels.


Command Explanation
docker Reference the Docker client.
exec Run another command.
-it Allow us to provide input to the container. Combination of -i (attach to standard in) and -t (attach to standard out, nicely displays output).
<container id> ID of the container.
<command> Command to execute.
-a Display all results. Attach this option to the container.

Run Containers

docker run

Command Functionality Output
docker run <image> Start a new container from an image.
docker run = docker create + docker start
docker run nodejs
docker run -d <image> Start a new container from an image in a detached state. You can continue to use the CLI without seeing its immediate output. docker run -d nginx
docker run --name <container name> <image> Assign the container a name. docker run --name webapp nginx
docker run -p <host port>:<container port> <image> Map the container’s ports. docker run -p 8080:80 nginx
docker run -P <image> Map all ports. docker run -P nginx

docker create

Command Functionality Output
docker create <image name> Creates a container from an image. docker create nginx

docker start

Command Functionality Output
docker start -a <id> Start a container. docker start -a 7fb44b5f5e7a7fcd1320d7c01de4e32479679d594ce97416ae6d70d3810a421a

Manage Containers

docker ps

Command Functionality Output
docker ps List containers. See table below.
docker ps --all or docker ps -a List all containers, even if they’ve been stopped or exited. See table below.
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS                PORTS                  NAMES
a2506c9c4550   httpd                    "/usr/sbin/init"         4 days ago   Up 4 days   >80/tcp   httpd
b7ca26bf433b   mysql/mysql-server:5.5   "/ mysq…"   4 days ago   Up 4 days (healthy)   3306/tcp               cw-mysql

Manage Various

Command Functionality Output
docker images Display a list of all available images that have been downloaded.  
docker pull <container id> Download the container immediately without checking if it exists locally first. docker pull nginx
docker logs <container id> Get logs from a container. docker logs e19f6f828ddc9254752388a474e50635db3cf4885cd7c3aa8d414d8ccd104ee6

docker exec

Command Functionality Output
docker exec <container> <command> Execute a command within the image. docker exec silly_sammet cat /etc/hosts
docker exec -it Execute an additional command in a container. docker exec -it 0d2ccab14d7d redis-cli or docker exec -it 0d2ccab14d7d sh

Get shell.

docker run -it busybox sh

Clean Up

Clean All

Command Functionality
docker system prune Cleans up dangling images, containers, volumes, and networks (ie, not associated with a container).
docker system prune -a Additionally remove any stopped containers and all unused images (not just dangling images).

Clean Containers

Command Functionality  
docker stop <container id> Stop a container. If it doesn’t shut down in 10 seconds it will automatically kill the container.  
docker kill <container id> Kill a container.  
docker rm <container id> Removes a container. docker rm silly_sammet
docker container prune Delete stopped containers.  

Clean Images

Command Functionality  
docker rmi <image> Remove the image permanently. docker rmi nginx
docker image prune -a Delete all the images.  

Images vs. Container

An image is a package or template, similar to a VM template. It is used to create 1 or more containers.

Containers are running instances of images that are isolated and have their own environments and processes.

To Categorize

Writing a dockerfile is similar to being given a computer with no OS and being told to install Chrome.

Tag an image docker build -t mmaether/redis:latest .

copy ./ ./ Command, path to folder to copy from on your machine relative to build context, Place to copy stuff to inside the container.

Port Mapping

Docker port mapping

Docker persist data

Common Images



docker run -p 8080:8080 jenkins, then go to localhost:8080

Sometimes after running these commands, you may need to run docker inspect <container id> to find the IPAddress.

You may also need to download a different version to get this to work.

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /root/my-jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -u root jenkins/jenkins:lts

Creating my own image

  1. Install OS - Ubuntu
  2. Update apt repo
  3. Install dependencies using apt
  4. Install Python dependencies using pip
  5. Copy source code to /opt folder
  6. Run the server using “flask” command

docker build Dockerfile -t mmaether/my-custom-app

docker build -t webapp-color .

docker push mmaether/my-custom-app - Add image to Docker Hub repo.

docker build . -t my-simple-webapp

docker push mmaether/my-simple-webapp: Publish to Docker Hub.